DNA 30

Johns Hopkins University

September 16-20, 2024


The conference and the ISNSCE society will award three prizes: “DNA 30 Best Student Paper Award”, “ISNSCE Best Student Presentation Award”, and “Best Student/Postdoc Poster Award”. Recipients of the prize will be notified at the time of the conference banquet. The committee reserve the right to limit each presenter to a maximum of one prize.

Eligibility for best student paper award: This is for a Track A paper whose lead author(s) is a student at the time of submission. To be fully considered for this award, a senior author or advisor will be asked to submit a letter justifying the nomination and indicating which author(s) should be considered for the award.

Eligibility for best student presentation award: This is for a Track A or Track B talk whose presenter is a student and a lead author on the paper at the time of submission.

Eligibility for best student/postdoc poster award: This is for a poster whose lead author(s) is a student or postdoc at the time of submission.