NSF Travel Awards

DNA 30 travel awards are available to eligible students or postdocs; to be eligible one must either be a US citizen or be based at a US institution. 

Award recipients will be required to provide the conference organizers with a copy of all receipts for airfare on a US-flag carrier, accommodation, registration, and incidental expenses such as local transportation. Meals will be paid on a per diem basis. Awards will be paid post-conference up to the 800 USD cap, for specific receipts and/or per diem expenses. Awards may be subject to tax withholding as required by US law.


To apply, please fill out the form located here, by August 10, 2024, containing the following information:

  •    Applicant’s name, institution, department, and degree pursued (or status as postdoc).
       Title of submitted paper or poster, if any.
  •    Required demographic information: US citizen?, studying at a US institution?
  •    Optional demographic information: gender?, in an under-represented group? (Information will be used for grant reporting only, and only in aggregated form.)
  •    Reasons for wanting to attend the conference (a few sentences).
  •    Request for an 800 USD travel award and an acknowledgement of the restrictions on airfare and other terms as noted above.
  •    Attached support letter from advisor indicating availability or lack thereof of funding to support travel to the conference, and stating commitment to provide necessary financial support that is not covered by the travel grant.

Seeman Student Travel Awards

International Society for Nanoscale Science, Computation and Engineering (ISNSCE) is excited to announce the open competition for the inaugural Seeman Student Travel Awards at DNA30.

The awards will be selective, with awardees chosen based on a combination of quality, novelty and importance of research, diversity of scientific areas, and connection to Nadrian C. Seeman’s vision broadly defined as “controlling matter with chemical information”.

To apply, submit a short paragraph (300 words max) explaining how your talk or poster, which must already be accepted for presentation at DNA30, relates to Seeman’s vision.

Awardees will receive up to $1,000 USD that may be used toward reimbursement of registration, airfare, or hotel expenses for attending DNA30, and will be invited to a special event at the conference.

Eligibility: We invite undergraduate, master’s, and PhD students from all backgrounds, disciplines, and countries to apply. The only requirement is that you must present a talk or poster at DNA30.

Please submit your application here by August 10, 2024.

Note: You may apply to both the NSF and the Seeman travel awards if you meet the eligibility requirements for both. However, if selected for the Seeman Student Travel Award, you will not be considered for the NSF Travel Award.